Training and Organizational Support Action Team's Created Training

Free to all residents in the state and open to everyone for personal and professional growth

HEAL PA's Training and Organizational Support Action Team has collaborated with Collectively Rooted to develop and launch a free, 6.5-hour trauma training program that is accessible to all residents of Pennsylvania. The program aims to provide individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to recognize and address trauma in their communities. Through this partnership, HEAL PA and Collectively Rooted have made this valuable resource available to everyone in Pennsylvania.

The training program has received support from the United Way of Pennsylvania-Resilient PA, and is housed in a Learning Management System that offers certifications upon completion. The program covers a range of topics, including the impact of trauma on individuals, families, and communities, the principles of trauma-informed care, and effective strategies for supporting individuals who have experienced trauma.

For more information-

Training and Organizational Support Action Team's page: